
  公安人话XX  各位领导、各位来宾,大家好:  Dear honorable Leaders and guests,  我来自XX市公安局出入境管理处,是一名外事警察,很高兴今天能够参加这次的双语演讲比赛。同时,我也为我能有机会以一个公安人的身份畅谈XX解放60年来所取得的巨大变化和喜人成就而感到十分的自豪。  As an Foreign Affairs policeman, coming from Administration of Exit and Entry of Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau, I'm very pleased to attend this bialanguage speech competition. Moreover, I'm honored to take this opportunity as an policeman, to express the huge transformation and great achievements happened in this city during the passed six decades.  XX的特色,在于悠久的历史。XX有着极其丰厚的文化积淀。这里曾产生过璨若星河的传世佳作,其厚重的精神承载...